Category Archives: Mushroom


Are you searching for a new way to boost mental clarity without solid side effects? Psilocybin mushrooms, when microdosed, have been claimed to sharpen the mind and enhance creativity. 

Our guide offers an easy method for making mushroom tea that may unlock these benefits in a gentle, controlled manner. Discover how you could change your daily routine with just a few sips British Colombia Microdose Tea

Key Takeaways 

  • Making microdose mushroom tea requires precision and essential kitchen tools like a scale, grinder, pot or saucepan, thermometer, filter, and mugs. 
  •  Microdosing with mushroom tea may improve mental health by reducing anxiety and depression symptoms while also boosting creativity and focus. 
  •  To safely enjoy the benefits of mushroom tea, start with small doses, be mindful of legalities in your area, consult healthcare professionals if necessary, and ensure mushrooms are sourced responsibly. 
  •  Personal testimonials suggest that routine consumption of microdose mushroom tea can contribute to enhanced well-being, increased mindfulness practices, and support for stress management. 
  •  Making microdose mushroom tea takes about 30 to 45 minutes; it involves simmering chopped psilocybin mushrooms in water before straining them into cups. 

How to Make Mushroom Tea with Psilocybin Mushrooms 

To make mushroom tea with psilocybin mushrooms, you’ll need essential kitchen equipment and easily accessible ingredients. With just a few simple steps and a little time, you can create your potent infusion to experience the effects of microdosing. 

Equipment required 

Gearing up to create your microdose mushroom tea is easy with the right tools. Having these items ready will streamline the process and enhance your brewing experience. 

  1. Kitchen Scale: You’ll need a precise kitchen scale to measure small amounts of psychedelic mushrooms for microdosing. 
  2. Grinder or Coffee Mill: A grinder helps to finely chop the magic mushrooms, which ensures a more consistent infusion in your tea. 
  3. Small Pot or Saucepan: Heat the water before infusing it with the mushrooms. 
  4. Water Filter or Purifier: Clean, purified water makes for better-tasting mushroom tea and helps avoid unwanted chemicals. 
  5. Thermometer: Monitoring water temperature is crucial since water that is too hot can destroy psilocybin, reducing effectiveness. 
  6. Tea Infuser or Strainer: Essential for separating the bits of magic mushrooms from your finished brew, ensuring a smooth tea. 
  7. Teapot or French Press: Preferably one for shroom tea brewing to prevent flavour crossover from other teas. 
  8. Timer: Keep track of steeping time accurately to ensure consistent potency in each cup of mushroom tea you make. 
  9. Gloves and Mask (optional): For those who want to avoid direct contact with psychedelic mushrooms, using protective gear is advisable. 
  10. Measuring Spoons: Accurate measurements of additional ingredients like ginger or honey will enhance flavour while keeping doses consistent. 
  11. Stirring Spoon: Use this tool to mix the infusion thoroughly, making sure all the beneficial compounds are released into the water. 
  12. Mugs or Cups: Have a set of mugs ready for serving; ceramic mugs keep your mushroom tea warm longer than glass ones. 

Ingredients needed 

To make a delicious and potent mushroom tea, you will need the following ingredients: 

  1. Dried psilocybin mushrooms: These are the critical ingredients for creating a psychedelic effect in the tea. 
  2. Water: Use fresh, filtered water to brew the tea, enhancing flavour and potency. 
  3. Optional flavourings: Lemon, ginger, or honey can be added to enhance the taste and mask any earthy flavours of the mushrooms. 
  4. Tea bags: Regular tea bags can add extra flavour to your mushroom tea if desired. 
  5. Sweeteners: Agave nectar, stevia, or sugar can be used to sweeten the tea according to personal preference. 

Estimated time to make 

After gathering the necessary ingredients, mushroom tea typically takes 30 to 45 minutes. The process involves simmering the water and mushrooms together before straining the liquid into a cup for consumption. 

This simple yet intentional brewing process allows optimal infusion of beneficial compounds from the mushrooms into the tea. 

The estimated time to make mushroom tea can vary slightly depending on personal preferences and desired potency, with some individuals choosing to let the mixture steep for extended periods. 

Step-by-step guide with pictures 

To make mushroom tea with psilocybin mushrooms, you will need a few simple kitchen tools and ingredients. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare your mushroom tea at home: 

  1. Gather the necessary equipment: a pot or kettle, strainer or cheesecloth, and a heat source. 
  2. Measure the desired amount of water for brewing the tea, typically around 2 – 3 cups per serving. 
  3. Chop or grind the dried psilocybin mushrooms into small pieces to increase the surface area for extraction. 
  4. Bring the water to a gentle boil in the pot or kettle. 
  5. Once the water reaches a boil, reduce the heat and add the chopped mushrooms. 
  6. Allow the mushrooms to simmer in the water for about 15 – 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. 
  7. After simmering, remove the pot from heat and let it cool for a few minutes. 
  8. Strain the liquid through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to separate the mushroom material from the tea. 
  9. Serve your mushroom tea hot or cold; sweeten it with honey or flavour it with citrus juice before enjoying it. 
  10. Store any leftover mushroom tea in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. 

Benefits and Effects of Microdose Mushroom Tea 

Experience improved mental health, creativity, and focus with microdose mushroom tea while exploring potential risks and personal insights from the community. Read on to discover the positive impacts of this natural remedy. 

Benefits for mental health 

When consumed in microdoses, mushroom tea may offer potential mental health benefits. Studies suggest that it could help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. The active compounds in mushrooms promote relaxation and well-being, contributing to a more balanced mental state. 

Consuming mushroom tea has been linked to enhanced mindfulness and emotional clarity. Many individuals have reported feeling more connected with themselves and others after drinking microdose mushroom tea. 

This heightened awareness may lead to improved mood regulation and increased resilience in facing daily stressors. 

Increased creativity and focus 

Enhanced creativity and focus are expected reported outcomes of microdosing mushroom tea. Users often find that their cognitive abilities are heightened, leading to improved concentration and innovative thinking. 

This can be particularly beneficial for those in creative or intellectually demanding professions, such as artists, writers, and professionals in the tech industry. 

Users have described feeling more present and engaged with their work while under the influence of microdose mushroom tea. These effects also extend into social situations, where individuals report being more expressive and articulate in conversations. 

Potential risks and precautions 

While microdosing mushroom tea has been associated with increased creativity and focus, it is essential to be aware of potential risks and take necessary precautions. Overconsumption may lead to adverse effects such as anxiety, paranoia, or even hallucinations. 

It is vital to start with low doses and gradually increase while also being mindful of any underlying mental health conditions. Furthermore, the legality of psilocybin mushrooms varies by location, so it’s crucial to research the legal status in your area before trying this method. 

In addition, individuals taking medication or with certain medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before incorporating microdose mushroom tea into their routine. 

Personal experiences and insights from the community 

Community members who have incorporated microdose mushroom tea into their wellness routines report many experiences. Many individuals note enhanced focus and creativity, describing moments of heightened insight during creative pursuits or problem-solving tasks. 

Some also share that regular consumption has had a positive impact on their mental health, contributing to an overall sense of well-being and balance in their lives. Additionally, community members appreciate mushroom tea’s role in promoting mindfulness and self-care practices, often incorporating it into their meditation rituals for an added sense of relaxation and introspection. 

Others reflect on how microdosing with mushroom tea has provided them with a natural alternative to traditional remedies for managing stress and anxiety. They emphasize the importance of approaching consumption mindfully, recognizing the potential risks while being mindful of personal boundaries. 

These insights from the community highlight diverse perspectives on using microdose mushroom tea as part of holistic wellness regimens, showcasing its place within conscious living practices. 


Unlock the potential of microdosing mushroom tea for enhancing mental well-being. Harness the benefits and therapeutic effects with ease at home. Empower yourself to explore natural remedies and promote self-care through mindful consumption. 

Elevate your consciousness and creativity while embracing traditional practices in a modern context. 


The world of psychedelics offers an array of experiences, each unique to the consumer and the substance consumed. Among the variety of psychedelics, ‘Golden Teachers,’ a strain of magic mushrooms, holds a special place due to their milder, introspective effects and potential benefits for meditation Buy Microdose Pills Online. This article delves into the nexus between Golden Teachers and meditation, exploring the potential synergy between the two.

Understanding Golden Teachers

Golden Teachers are a popular strain of magic mushrooms known for their distinctive gold-capped appearance. Beyond their striking look, they are renowned for their relatively mild and manageable effects, making them ideal for beginners or those seeking a more spiritual, introspective psychedelic journey.

Meditation and its Benefits

Meditation, a practice dating back thousands of years, has been widely recognized for its ability to calm the mind, reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and promote emotional health. It helps individuals observe their minds without judgment, fostering a greater understanding of oneself.

The Synergy Between Golden Teachers and Meditation

Combining the spiritual journey invoked by Golden Teachers with the reflective nature of meditation can result in an amplified experience of self-discovery and enlightenment.

While under the influence of Golden Teachers, users may find their meditation practice enhanced as the barriers of ego soften and consciousness expands. This can lead to a deeper exploration of the self and a more profound understanding of existential questions.

Precautions and Safe Practices

Although there’s potential for a transformative experience, combining Golden Teachers and meditation should not be taken lightly. It’s essential to understand that the experience can be intensely emotional and may reveal aspects of the self that are challenging to face.

Also, having a safe, comfortable environment and a trusted sitter or guide is crucial, especially for those new to the experience. Starting with a small dose can help manage the intensity of the experience.


The intersection of Golden Teachers and meditation can offer a unique pathway toward self-discovery and enlightenment. However, the journey calls for responsibility, respect, and understanding. As research into the potential benefits of psychedelics continues to grow, it is essential to approach this field with an open mind, thorough preparation, and due diligence.


This is a wild or cultivated mushroom that contains psilocybin. Many may ask what psilocybin is. 

This is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic and psychoactive substance. In simple terms, it means that the mushroom can be used as a drug, meaning it has the potential to be misused. 

How was it discovered? 

Few cultures have been using magic mushrooms for their hallucinogenic properties for some time. However, it wasn’t until 1958 that a researcher named Dr. Albert Hoffman decided to isolate it as a drug. In appearance, the’ shroom’ looks like an ordinary mushroom with a slender stem that somehow looks dry House of Shrooms Delivery Canada. 

What does the magic mushroom do? 

Hallucinogenic comes from hallucination, which means the feeling, seeing, or hearing of things that aren’t real. In other words, they give the user a sense of temporary’ high.’ However, the effects are influenced by different factors such as dose taken, age, weight, personality, and history of mental illness. 

How to identify if someone is using shroom 

Shroom users often appear paranoid, nervous, and nauseous. Other signs to look out for include changes in sleep patterns, drastic shifting of mood shifts in personality, or lack of energy for social activities. When discussing long-term effects, one should look for visual disturbances by the user or random flashbacks that hit unexpectedly. In extreme cases, the user might act suicidal. 

Side effects of psilocybin mushroom 

The side effects of magic mushrooms mainly vary from a mild high to a frightening delusional experience. The results can either be classified as physical or mental. Some of the physical effects include; 

  • Headaches 
  • Drowsiness 
  • Dilated pupils 
  • Nausea 
  • Poor coordination 

Some mental effects include 

  • Euphoria 
  • Psychosis 
  • Paranoia 
  • Having ‘spiritual experiences 
  • Panic reactions 
  • Distorted sense of place, time, and reality 

Tolerance, dependence, withdrawal from shroom use 

The use of drugs over time makes the body develop a form of tolerance. This may lead to an overdose, and we all know that overdosing comes with its fair share of effects, namely; 

  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Agitation 
  • Seizures 
  • Psychosis 


This refers to when the user is unable to do without the drug. Failure to satisfy the addiction leads to withdrawal. 


The most common withdrawal symptom associated with it is depression. 

How to get assistance 

When a loved one is a shroom addict, one may either engage them in a conversation or assure them that you’re there to help. Optionally, one might admit them into a rehabilitation center for better care or, in extreme cases. 

Some few overlooked benefits of shroom 

They are used for medical purposes- specifically depression treatment. 

Micro dosing-this refers to using small amounts to relieve headaches. 

They are used in psychotherapy. 


From the above explanation, we can now see why the psilocybin mushroom has its name and why the magic mushrooms gained popularity in 2022. 


In recent years, microdosing psychedelics has gained considerable attention in scientific circles and popular culture. Microdosing involves the administration of sub-perceptual doses of psychedelic substances, intending to reap their potential benefits while minimizing the risk of intense, mind-altering experiences. This article will focus on microdosing psilocybin, the active compound in “magic” mushrooms, using chocolate as the medium.

Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

Microdosing psilocybin involves consuming tiny doses of magic mushrooms, typically 1/10th to 1/20th of a regular amount. The rationale behind this practice is to experience the benefits of psilocybin without the intense hallucinogenic effects Magic Mushroom tea Canada. Proponents of microdosing psilocybin suggest it can improve creativity, enhance mental flexibility, reduce anxiety, and boost mood.

Scientific research into microdosing is still in its infancy, but early studies and anecdotal evidence suggest potential benefits. However, it’s important to remember that these substances are still illegal in many countries and states, and their misuse can lead to adverse effects. Therefore, anyone interested in microdosing should approach it responsibly, preferably under the guidance of a healthcare provider or a professional in a region where these substances are regulated.

Chocolate as a Medium for Microdosing

Many microdoses have chosen chocolate as an ideal medium for consuming magic mushrooms. The reasons for this are twofold: firstly, chocolate can mask the bitter taste of the mushrooms, making the process more palatable. Secondly, the theobromine and caffeine in chocolate act as stimulants, which can complement the effects of psilocybin.

Preparing magic mushroom chocolate for microdosing requires precision. The mushrooms must be dried, ground into a fine powder, and carefully mixed into melted chocolate. Once thoroughly mixed, the chocolate is poured into a mould and allowed to cool, resulting in chocolate bars or pieces that contain a controlled, evenly distributed amount of psilocybin.

The Potential Benefits and Risks

The potential benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms with chocolate are essentially the same as those of microdosing in general, though adding chocolate may enhance the experience for some. However, there are also specific risks and considerations associated with this practice.

One risk is the potential for overconsumption. The palatability of the chocolate may lead some individuals to consume more than intended. Additionally, individual tolerance to psilocybin can vary significantly, and even small doses may lead to intense experiences in some individuals.

Moreover, while preliminary studies indicate the potential benefits of microdosing, comprehensive, long-term studies are lacking. The full spectrum of potential risks and side effects remains unknown. As with any substance, misuse or abuse can lead to adverse effects, so it’s crucial to approach this practice responsibly.


Microdosing magic mushrooms with chocolate represents an exciting intersection of neuroscience, gastronomy, and emerging cultural trends. While early research and anecdotal evidence suggest that microdosing psilocybin may offer various benefits, much remains unknown about its long-term effects. As research progresses, potential users must be aware of both the potential benefits and risks and approach microdosing responsibly. As always, the guiding principle should be moderation and informed decision-making.



Psilocybin, a key chemical component of magic mushrooms, is categorized as a controlled substance in many countries, making its sale and that of its mother plant illegal.

However, the sale of mushroom spores, as well as microdoses of psilocybin, has no legal implications, creating controversy over what locals term as double standards and catalyzing the development of gray markets for magic Shroomies Ottawa in Canada.

Magic mushrooms – Description

The mushroom has existed for thousands of years, and magic mushrooms have grown to over 200 look-alike species, some of which are poisonous. Its active ingredients, psilocin and psilocybin, are psychoactive, thus putting them under the United Nations Drug Control Convention.

In Canada, the chemicals are categorized under the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act (CDSA), which terms their production, sale, and possession as illegal unless exempted or licensed.

Magic mushrooms are said to alter unconsciousness and cause hallucinations within the first 45 minutes of ingestion, which lasts up to six hours, depending on the kind of mushroom or dosage used.

Magic mushrooms in Canada, just like in other parts of the world, are either swallowed as capsules, cooked, eaten raw, mixed in beverages, or even sniffed when in powder form.

Since their production is illegal, such drugs or ‘foods’ are typically not tested to determine if they also include other dangerous substances.

Effects of Magic Mushrooms on a user

Magic mushrooms affect a person’s mental state or physical well-being in the long or short term.

By affecting their mental state, victims mix up their senses, like hearing colours and seeing music, altering their sense of time, experiencing panic attacks, and becoming light-headed.
Physical effects include twitching and muscle weakness, numbness, high blood pressure, nausea, loss of bladder control, exaggerated reflex movements, and extreme temperatures.
Although no investigations have been done to determine the repetitive or prolonged use of magic mushrooms, its risks include paranoia, sudden flashbacks, and elevated risks of psychiatric side effects.

The good thing with magic mushrooms is that they are not addictive but tend to grow tolerant to the body forcing the user to increase their intake to attain the expected desire.

Therapeutic benefits of magic mushrooms

No scientific processes have been conducted on magic mushrooms in Canada to determine their therapeutic ability. Similarly, the quality, efficacy and safety of products containing psilocybin have not been approved anywhere in the world.

Therefore, this necessitates engaging a doctor on the available options to treat any conditions before emerging in magic mushrooms as a treatment.

However, in cases where unauthorized drugs are the only form of appropriate treatment, doctors can aid their patients’ access to magic mushrooms in Canada through existing legal options such as clinical trials.


For any country to benefit from restricted medical products, the patient, the health practitioners, the manufacturer, and the controlling body must cooperate in sharing truthful information that will ease its access for the benefit of the citizens and the nation.


With the increasing internet usage, E-commerce platforms have become a popular shopping alternative for many. The media have raised so much in numbers that it’s almost impossible to lack any commodity you want from them. Some of these platforms sell generalized things, but some sell specific items. For example, you can find a website dedicated to selling herbal products only, and it’s from sites like these that you can get pants like the shrooms.

Tips on Sites Where You Can Get Shrooms

A quick internet search will direct you to thousands of online sites and platforms where you can get and purchase shrooms. The internet has helped connect so many sellers to their potential customers. Many people have discovered that they can utilize the internet for their benefit, making it so easy for clients to get whatever they want from wherever they are.

For example, in our case, if we wanted to buy shrooms online, they would be so many sellers to choose from. We would have to choose the best suits our location or our requirements.

Some of these sites even directly connect the buyer to the seller, so they can even contact each other and negotiate on the price. You can also find sites dedicated explicitly to selling shrooms, and they can even be delivered to the location of your choice.

Social Media

Nowadays, people don’t only use social media for entertainment purposes, they instead use different social media platforms to promote their businesses or services. From these platforms, you are assured of finding a shrooms seller who you can contact directly using direct messaging features available on almost any social media platform.

Some of them share their contacts, making it much easier for you to reach out to them. Social media posts can sometimes direct you to places where you can get different products, and in our case, where you can get shrooms. You can get links to other platforms where you can get shrooms online.


Shrooms always have a unique name depending on which part of the world you come from. It’s always good to know what different sellers might call it when buying since you will meet all sellers online. Some famous names given to shrooms are Mushies, mushroom soup, sacred mushrooms, Zoomers, and Cubes, to mention a few. With this knowledge, finding a place to buy shrooms online will be easy.


For those who may wonder what magic mushrooms or shrooms are, these are mushrooms that contain high levels of psilocybin which is very hallucinating. For this reason, magic mushrooms have drug effects, and thus they have been illegalized in most countries like Canada. It is hard to get magic mushrooms since carrying or selling them is illegal. 

As a magic mushroom lover, you may want to know how can access them, and I will discuss tips on buying magic mushrooms in Canada. These tips will help you understand how to safely access them without getting yourself arrested or purchasing the wrong mushrooms.

Opt to buy your magic mushrooms online

The internet has become the best marketplace to acquire most products and is the best place to purchase your magic mushrooms. The set policies for internet use make it hard for someone to track you down, making the internet the best place for selling and buying magic mushrooms in Canada.  HeySero is short for Serotonin – a chemical released in the brain most commonly known for impacting mood, cognition, reward centers, learning, and memory.

You can contact sellers and make your orders which can even be shipped to your country if you are not a resident.

It being one of the best tips on buying magic mushrooms in Canada, it is essential to remember that they are illegal, and you should be extra careful while making an online purchase.

Buy lab-tested magic mushrooms.

Since magic mushrooms are naturally occurring and can be found in most places, it is essential to know that other mushrooms resemble magic mushrooms and are very poisonous. If you take them, you may get very sick or even die. 

Many online sellers may lie to you about their shrooms being lab-tested, and you may buy untested shrooms, which may be dangerous if you take them. You need to check very carefully with the dealer before purchasing their products. You may need to read their site reviews and check on the ratings to know the legitimacy of that dealer. 

Buy from reputed dealers.

Go for online dealers with many positive reviews and high website ratings. You may get conned by fake dealers or buy fake magic mushrooms if you are not careful while purchasing. Review dealers’ reviews and discuss how you can get your product. 

Buy from trusted dispensaries. 

When buying magic mushrooms locally, it’s good to buy from a trusted dealer. It is dangerous to get in touch with a dealer that can be untrustworthy, who may sell you fake and untested products that may be dangerous to you. It is also essential to order your magic mushrooms and have them delivered to you to avoid being arrested.


Following these tips on buying magic mushrooms in Canada is essential, and it will help one assess vital factors before buying the shrooms.

The Benefits of a Magic Mushroom Dispensary

Magic mushrooms are hallucinogenic drugs. It means that they cause you to see, hear, and feel sensations that may seem real but are not. The effects of magic mushrooms are highly variable and believed to be influenced by the environment, age, weight, personality, and history of mental illness.

Medicinal use

Some people will wonder how a mushroom can be used for medication.

Researchers found that psilocybin found in mushrooms has been classified as a schedule 1 drug.

Psilocybin available by prescription and is effective in the treatment of depression as well as in relieving emotional distress.


Researchers have found that people who are self-medicated to small dosages of psilocybin get relief from headaches. However according to The Mushroom Dispensary,  the researchers are against self-medicating with mushroom psilocybin because it is not easy to manage your anxiety, you might take excess dosage, and it is not easy to know the purity of the drug.

Help stay off substance misuse.

Researchers are currently trying to figure out if psilocybin helps people cease smoking, drinking, and misusing drugs. In a small study, they analyzed that use of psilocybin help in decreasing alcohol craving and abstinence from smoking.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

In the animal study, the researchers have concluded that psilocybin helped in fear response in mice. It means that magic mushroom dispensary can help to treat traumatic stress disorder and other related conditions.


It is not clear if psilocybin treats anxiety, but there is a possibility it does or can relieve it. Researchers are yet to clarify the truth in it.

Depression and headaches

When researchers analyzed the effects of psilocybin after conducting a test on patients who were depressed, they found that depression levels remained low – psychoactive substances like psilocybin help to treat headaches and migraine.

Common effects of magic mushrooms dispensary

Increased energy, the psilocybin makes one feel more energetic and feel high.

In the distortion of reality, you usually feel everything is okay; you see everything from a positive perspective.

Altered perception of space and time, you being seeing short distances like miles and days having long hours.

Visual and auditory hallucinations, the psilocybin alters the functioning of the mind, and things become unusual, either small or large; they seem to bend, and sounds become unbearable.


Research shows that magic mushrooms have psilocybin, which positively affects mental health. There is also a chance that it helps cure headaches, addiction, and stress. Researchers are still investigating to prove it right. The magic mushroom dispensary should be used sparingly to avoid addiction.

How Lion’s mane mushroom Reducing body uneasiness and stress

Mushrooms are healthy foods rich in nutrients that include proteins, potassium, vitamin D and other vital nutrients in the body. Eating mushrooms is so beneficial as they enrich you with nutrients without evening posing any dangers to your body. Lions’ Mane mushrooms are can be a supplement for your healthy diet. 

Lion’s mane mushroom is said to be a type of mushroom that provides the body with nutrients that supplements the body with immune and medicinal contents. Taking these mushrooms have more advantages as described; 

The nutrients and health benefits of Lion’s mane mushroom include; 

Improving body immunity  

This type of mushroom has a medicinal content that helps in eradicating anything that poses a threat to the body’s healthy immune and any toxic infections invading your body. These mushrooms also contain protein content which stimulates gut bacteria growth which improves body immunity. 

Reducing body uneasiness and stress 

Lion’s mane extract contains anti-inflammatory content which helps in reducing the anxiety influence of individuals and irritation effects. Also the extract lower levels of body stress by eradicating any kind of irritation to the body which may develop into stress. 

Improving mental health 

These mushrooms are said to have content that helps in improving mental health and brain recollection/remembrance. Also, it is believed that they contain medicinal effect for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. In general, it’s believed that these mushrooms help in memory recall. 

Lion’s mane mushrooms are said to have different species which some of them are said to have content that triggers the development of brain cells and also preventing neuronal damages. 

Improving heart health 

 Lion’s mane mushrooms extract is said to contain content that helps in reducing cholesterol content in the blood hence keeping the heart out of the risk of having too much fat content which may thicken blood vessels and result in blood clotting. 

Disease infection prevention 

The antioxidation effects of Lion’s mane mushrooms have an effect in averting infection of Cancer and also used in cancer treatment. Also, the extract from these mushroom contains a therapeutic effect against leukaemia. It used even in fighting against gastric, liver and colon cancer. 

The mushroom can be used by individuals with diabetic problems as it is told to be containing content that reduces nerve pain and sugar level in the blood. 

Skin health improvement 

Consumption of Lion’s mane mushroom is said to have a significant benefit of healthy skin. The extract of the mushroom can be applied to wounds and stimulate faster healing. Though, most of the background research has not to be done on people. 

Normalise consumption of healthy and non-fat-containing contents for better health. Though much of the research done on Lion’s mane mushroom has been linked with animals, its believe to contain very healthy and essential contents for humans Changa mushroom powder. 

Magic Mushrooms – Facts and Information

The scientific name for magic mushrooms is psilocin, which is derived from the Greek words meaning “love” mind.” Psilocin mushrooms, also known as mushrooms or magic mushrooms, are an informal, polyphyletic group of fungi that contain psilocin and pyrrolidine. Several biological genera containing psilocin mushrooms are Copelandia, Gymnopilus, Inocybe, Pholiotina, Panaeolus and Psilocinella. Among them, mushrooms possessing psilocin are panaeolus and panaeolum. 

Magic mushrooms are used in the United States as an appetite suppressant; but unlike many other appetite suppressants, they do not cause excessive weight gain. They are commonly used to treat anorexia nervosa, alcoholism, and depression. Although they do increase the body’s metabolism, their side effects are so mild that some medical professionals regard them a safe treatment for depression and anxiety disorders. 

Magic mushrooms also have the ability to improve sleep and induce dreaming. It is also known to relieve pain, anxiety, headaches, depression, and anxiety. One of the most common ways they are taken is through ingestion in pill form. However, some people use them in eating or drinking them, such as with a cup of tea. 

Magic mushrooms can be found anywhere mushrooms are found, in-ground, fresh, or preserved forms. When preparing them, they are mixed with various liquids and left to boil. After boiling for about an hour, they are then drained and dried. Some recipes combine the mushroom powder with sugar and water, while others combine sugar with lemon juice. 

Psilochromenes are one of the chemical substances found in magic mushrooms. These psilochromenes can be found in a variety of mushrooms and are believed to play a role in the development of psilocin, the primary active ingredient in magic mushrooms. A study of psilochromenes conducted in the early 1990s showed that the substance appeared to be highly effective in preventing the growth of breast cancer cells. However, this research was later proved to be inconclusive. 

Psilinpinchroine and paucalin p.m., which are the main p.m., have been shown to be useful in the treatment of bladder and kidney cancer. Psilocybine p.m., a type of p.m. which is derived from mushroom cultures, has also shown some promise in reducing the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF alpha and IL-6. 

P.M. has been shown to prevent the occurrence of cancer in the prostate, colon, and leukemia. Psilocybine p.m. has also been shown to inhibit the formation of kidney tumors and to decrease the risk of leukemia. Psilocin p.m. does not show any sign of toxicity and has no side effects when taken in supplement form. 

Magic mushrooms are commonly found in mushrooms harvested in different parts of Asia, particularly in Thailand. P.M. is harvested from only certain mushrooms grown in that country, and the best mushroom that is grown in Thailand is called Psilocybe. 

P.M. mushrooms are harvested before they are fully ripened and are allowed to dry. Once these mushrooms are dried, they are sent to the laboratories for processing. 

Magic mushrooms online :-